Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Perceptions of the first day!

I was pleasantly surprised that quite a number of pupils actually had good and corrrect haircuts and good grooming. There were also some pupils who did not seem to bother with getting a haircut (especially the boys). Sometimes I wonder why these pupils would want to go through the the inconvenience and unpleasantness of being reprimanded for non compliance of hair length. Is it because they subconciously want the attention? I just wish that these pupils appreciate and empathize the teachers who are trying to correct their (their) non compliance of school rules.
On the second day, 2 students from a sec 2 class were asked to step out of class because they disrepected the teacher. Why??? do these students behave this way? Maybe somebody out there has an answer!!!



Anonymous said...

i tink tat those ppl who stepped out of class should be punished serverely.

Anonymous said...

Mr Satwant

1 suggestion to ease us students lives......

Can Wednesday not be a compulsory CCA day???