Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Temperature Taking Exerscise on 10th of July

Dear Students

Please post your suggestions here as to how to ensure that every pupil bring his/her thermometer on the temperature taking day???
Mr Satwant


Anonymous said...

keep temperature from those who think they are forgetful.keep them a few days before the temperature day. write names and paste on their temperature before keping it.

Anonymous said...

fine the people who never bring, btw, when is the day ah?

Anonymous said...

We cannot make sure that every student will bring their thermometer.
Why don't you challenge the pupils?
Challenge them to bring their thermometer. Challenge the levels to bring more thermometer to see which level is the most responsible. Or better yet ask the teachers themselves to take temperature with us, the students ^^

blurrbl0ck said...

my comment is nt related with this post.
mr satwant..
can you please update?